Custom Avionics Bay
The purpose of this Avionics bay is to log altitude, temperature, ascent and descent rate, and the time while a weather balloon ascends to the upper atmosphere. All of this is mounted on a custom PCB board and encased in a 3D printed box.
This custom avionics bay was inspired by Aaron Price.
The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller and the brains of the avionics bay. It holds the programming and tells the GPS unit and temperature sensor when to log data.
The GPS unit used in this build is a pico breakout board with an integrated GPS unit. This provides all of the data that is processed by the Arduino Uno then recorded by the SD Reader.
The temperature sensor used is a TMP36. It is able to operate in a large range of temperatures and is more than accurate for this application.
The data recorder used in the bay is made by SparkFun and is an opensource micro SD data logger. The board is able to hold up to a 32 GB micro SD card.
The PCB used is custom made by PCBWay. This allowed for the components to be attached securely and made soldering less troublesome.
In addition, two 1k Ω resistors, one red LED, a micro toggle switch, and a 9V battery connector was used.